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Block City Wars


Block TNT BlastBlock TNT BlastShooting Zombie Blocky Gun WarfareShooting Zombie Blocky Gun WarfarePixel Smash DuelPixel Smash DuelAmong Us: The Squid Game 2 JogadoresAmong Us: The Squid Game 2 JogadoresPixel Car Crash Demolition V1Pixel Car Crash Demolition V1Season LandSeason LandPixel Gun 3DPixel Gun 3DUltra Pixel Survive 2Ultra Pixel Survive 2Pixel ShootingPixel ShootingMinecraft Earth SurvivalMinecraft Earth SurvivalPixel Craft - Hide and SeekPixel Craft - Hide and SeekVoxel Warfare CaptainVoxel Warfare CaptainSteve VS AlexSteve VS AlexNoob Trolling ProNoob Trolling ProPixel Road Taxi DepotPixel Road Taxi DepotMine CloneMine CloneSoccer ProSoccer ProDisney Super ArcadeDisney Super ArcadeMonster School 2Monster School 2Nubic Boom CrusherNubic Boom CrusherRich Vs ZombiesRich Vs ZombiesThe Baby in yellow Craft ModThe Baby in yellow Craft ModFancade Rally ChampionshipFancade Rally ChampionshipEncontre diferenças Imagens do MinecraftEncontre diferenças Imagens do MinecraftFNF Friday Night FlappinFNF Friday Night FlappinNoob VS MonstersNoob VS MonstersVoxel ServalVoxel ServalCaminhão dirigir simuladorCaminhão dirigir simuladorBlocky Gun Paintball 3Blocky Gun Paintball 3Noob vs Pro: Stick WarNoob vs Pro: Stick WarFalling PartyFalling PartyMinecraft MarioMinecraft MarioSteveman and AlexwomanSteveman and AlexwomanRagdoll FighterRagdoll FighterZombiecraftZombiecraftDoodle Cube ioDoodle Cube ioBlocky RoadsBlocky RoadsCraft Doors: Horror RunCraft Doors: Horror RunMine Clone 4Mine Clone 4MineEnergy.funMineEnergy.funThe Baby in yellow Craft ModThe Baby in yellow Craft ModNoob Trolls ProNoob Trolls ProMan or MonsterMan or MonsterNoob: Tower DefenseNoob: Tower DefenseMinecraft policial pixelMinecraft policial pixelKrunker IoKrunker IoMineParkour.clubMineParkour.clubHospital AssombradoHospital AssombradoNOOB VS 1000 FREDDYSNOOB VS 1000 FREDDYSMy Craft: Craft AdventureMy Craft: Craft AdventureMonster School ChallengesMonster School ChallengesBlock Craft: Zombie AttackBlock Craft: Zombie AttackNoob vs Pro: Stick WarNoob vs Pro: Stick WarPixel Swat Zombie SurvivalPixel Swat Zombie SurvivalNubic Boom CrusherNubic Boom CrusherFive Nights with SteveFive Nights with SteveNoob Hero: AdventureNoob Hero: AdventureSobrevivência Minecraft Chosen PathSobrevivência Minecraft Chosen PathPUBG PixelPUBG PixelHacker vs Noob: Monster SchoolHacker vs Noob: Monster SchoolNoob Raft: Ocean SurvivalNoob Raft: Ocean SurvivalGreve de minério de ouroGreve de minério de ouroNoob Trolling ProNoob Trolling ProCraftnite.ioCraftnite.ioImpostor but Huggy WuggyImpostor but Huggy WuggyMinecraft Apple ShooterMinecraft Apple ShooterCartoon StrikeCartoon StrikeFort Clash SurvivalFort Clash SurvivalMine Shooter: Huggy's Attack!Mine Shooter: Huggy's Attack!Pink CityPink CityNoob VS LavaNoob VS LavaMinecraft Bubble ShooterMinecraft Bubble ShooterBedWars 3D - Defend Your BedBedWars 3D - Defend Your BedNoob vs Zombie 2Noob vs Zombie 2Feliz PixmasFeliz PixmasNoob: Zombie Prison EscapeNoob: Zombie Prison EscapeFlag CaptureFlag CaptureMinecraft CountMinecraft CountNoob VS Evil GrannyNoob VS Evil GrannyZOOCRAFTZOOCRAFT

Bem-vindo à arena moderna, cheia de carros velozes, duelos de atiradores e guerras entre ladrões! Cuidado, há balas voando por toda parte, essas ruas estão quase livres de restrições legais. Explore várias missões interessantes envolvendo gangsters e policiais, gangues de rua, máfia e polícia. Derrote outros caçadores e receba moedas de ouro, armas e munições, você os encontrará espalhados. Explore todas as maneiras criativas de se divertir na cidade pixelada. Armas de plasma, armas de combate, super rifles, diferentes tipos de armaduras e outras coisas interessantes estão esperando por você no jogo!

Ao controle:

  •    Use as setas do teclado para controlar o movimento do personagem e clique para disparar.
Block City Wars é um dos nossos selecionados Jogos de pixel.